Excavation Volume
To calculate excavation volume, fill in required cover on diagram below – allow for pavement and fill. ACO recommends a minimum of 0.5m total cover for landscape applications and a minimum of 0.6m for vehicle traffic applications.
Cover Material
Cover material is split between pavement and fill. Fill cover dimension on diagram below.
Cover Layer | in |
Base Layer | 6 in |
Backfill Material
Backfill material will be calculated from a 0.15m layer under the tank with 0.6m at all sides. Please note this does not account for your pavement design. The finished surface (bitumen, concrete, etc) volume will need to be removed by you from the Backfill Material calculation given here.
Backfill Material | 100 ft3 |

Diagram shows cavity size.
Disclaimer Caution, in poor or non self-supporting ground such as sand, the excavation is to be benched at 45 degrees for safety. Engineering advice may be required. Note, this will result in a larger excavation in area and volume, with more fill to be excavated and more backfill required than the volumes calculated by this program.